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Adding Widgets

After having a dashboard setup along with an alias, we can get started on the fun part! Adding widgets to visualize your data can be overwhelming at times. Remember, you can add as many as you like and constantly change the ones you have already added.

Widget Types

  • Alarm

    • Display current, past, or all alarms for a specific device or asset.

  • Analog Gauges

    • Like "old school "looking gauges and slides? You should check this out!

  • Digital Gauges

    • Did analog not have what you are looking for? Use these to show your data giving your Dashboard a modern and sleek look.

  • Cards

    • This includes everything from basic tables to QR codes and images.

  • Charts

    • Display time series data as it is plotted on your favorite type of chart in real time!

  • Maps

    • Show real-time locations of assets or static information like job sites or retail stores. You can also display real-time routes using GPS devices on vehicles.

  • Controls

    • Set the thermostat temperature, or turn lights on remotely using a control widget!

📘 Adding a widget

For simplicity, we will be adding a Card - Entities table widget.

To add the table widget, we need to select it from the widget library. Widgets are grouped into widget bundles. Each widget has a data source, this is how the widget knows what data to display. Data sources are known as Aliases. If you are creating your first dashboard and have not followed the Create your first Dashboard! How-to I suggest you start with that first.

  1. Enter edit mode. Click on the "Add new widget" button.

  2. Select the "Cards" widget bundle. Select the Entities table widget.

  3. Click "Add" to add the data source. The widget may have multiple data sources, but we will use only one in this case.

  4. Select the name you originally set for your entity alias on Create your first Dashboard!.

  5. Click on the input field to the right. The auto-complete with available data points will appear.

  6. Select a data point and click "Add.”

  7. Resize the widget to make it a little bigger. Just drag the bottom right corner of the widget. You can also play with the advanced settings if you want to edit the widget.

  8. Your table should look very similar to the image below (depending on the data you selected to show).

📘 Edit a widget

Editing a widget is quite easy! Follow the steps below.

  1. Enter edit mode on your dashboard.

  2. Each widget will display a “pencil“ icon. Click on that icon on any widget.

  3. Now follow the above steps on adding a widget to select or alter incoming data.

Now that you know how to add widgets, make sure to try an select the best type of widget for the type of data being displayed. If you need help Support is always here!

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